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Music Class


The following instruments are offered at Cadenza Music with theory included for all instruments.


Lessons range from 30 minutes for beginners to 120 minutes for advanced students per week.



From age 5 to 85! Students of all ages are taught the fundamental basics of proper technique, reading, performing and ensemble skills. 

Important note: If you want to play piano, you must have access to a fully weighted, 88-key acoustic or electric piano. A Keyboard just won't do.

guitar close up



Students are ready to start guitar from around 8 / 9 years old. The size of the first guitar is very important to insure the success of this journey. Please do your homework and ask for help before you make a purchase.


All guitar students start on classical guitars with nylon strings. They can later choose to continue with classical guitar or change to a steel string acoustic or an electric guitar with the Rock & Pop syllabus.


Guitar is taught from Beginner to Gr 3 music level.




This is by far one of the most underrated instruments. If taught with the correct technique and musicality, this instrument opens up doors of playing together in ensemble groups and 'Early Music' Orchestras. 


The recorder is one of the most affordable instruments to get started on and like a guitar can easily be taken with you wherever you go.

Composing Music



Being able to play is one thing, but to be able to read and write what you play makes such a huge impact on the whole experience. Being a well-rounded musician means that you are proficient in all areas. What can be more exciting than the prospect of writing down your own compositions!?

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